Mental pictures of pastors and rabbis opening up English bibles, making points from the sacred text and saying “It says it right here in my Bible!” are not hard to conjure, for those with experience in contemporary, faith-based communities. While
Instructions to a Son
One of the dominant patterns in Mishle, or Proverbs, is Solomon’s giving counsel to a son, possibly Rehoboam, his eventual successor, but, with his 1000 wives and concubines, one cannot be certain how many sons he had and could be
Home With His People
Last week’s parshah was “Terumah” (Exodus 25:1-27:19). The title comes from the dominant theme of the portion that Moses was to receive from the people of B’nei-Yisrael an offering, a “t’rumah”, literally, a “lifting up”. It was to be from
How long has the Bible been available? How has it impacted history?
Good questions, to be sure. By way of response, and at the outset, the answer depends on what one means by “available.” If availability entails hearing scripture uttered–aside from sporadic pronouncements going back to Moses, then to and through the various
Translation Principle 12: Rectifying Time-Altered Terms
Welcome back to our exploration of the TLV Key Principles! As the Chief Theologian for the TLV Bible Society, it is my joy to walk you through these principles and help you understand the underlying process of how our team
Spiritual Relationship vs. Isolation
We live in a day when “diversity” is exalted. To a certain extent, this can be a good thing, as people are individuals and not stamped out of a divine cookie mold. However, there is also a propensity for people