Teachings & Seminars

Daniah Greenberg TLV Bible Society
Cross-generational Seminar

Cell Phone Evangelism

Our Cell Phone Evangelism Seminar is taught in 3 two-hour sessions using a combination of Bible Teaching, Role playing, making and watching videos, and sharing testimonies.

Each Session emphasizes a different component of Evangelism. The first highlights inter-generational connection, the second focuses on the power of the Gospel, and the third encourages attendees to have their personal testimonies ready to share.

Click Here to read about it in Ministry Today

Daniah Greenberg TLV Bible Society
Women's Seminar

Treasures of the Heart

Treasures of the Heart is a seminar offered by the Tree of Life Bible Society as an event for women, created by women, based on Psalm 119:11 - "I have treasured Your word in my heart, so I might not sin against You." and Psalm 68:12 - "The Lord gives the word - a great company of women proclaims the good news." ​

At it's core, the Treasures of the Heart seminar is a multi-generational, multi-ethnic, ecumenical event that seeks to encourage women through Biblical truths and minister to their hearts through the Holy Spirit. Fitting for any church, congregation, or women's ministry, this seminar explores the spiritual gifts that God gives His daughters and methods that women can use to remember to treasure them.

TLV Bible Society Scholars
National Biennial

Tree of Life Bible Conference

The inaugural Tree of Life Bible Conference was held on August 6-7, 2015 at The King's University in Dallas, TX. This two day event includes a semi-private Theology Summit and a public TLV Translation Seminar. The Theology Summit is open to invited scholars and theologians, as well as active students in these concentrations, in order to spark conversation and discussion regarding the significance of the Tree of Life Version of the Bible.

The next day is open to the public as many of the scholars, translators and theologians involved with the TLV share on varying translation concepts. The Tree of Life Bible Conference ends with the TLV Theologian's Q&A Panel which allows attendees a sneak peek into the translation process itself. If you would be interested in hosting a Tree of Life Bible Conference at your facility, please contact us!

Joseph Greenberg TLV Bible Society
Hebraic Lens Seminar

Walk through TANAKH

Part of seeing the Bible through a Hebraic lens is reshaping how we view the meta narrative of scripture. All too often we see the people in the Bible as characters rather than real people that lived and breathed and struggled to follow God.

The Walk through the TANAKH is split into 3 Primary sessions:

  1. Tale of the Two Trees
  2. Covenants of the Bible
  3. Writing the Torah Down Like a King

Daniah Greenberg Biblical Fine Art
Biblical Art Seminar

Christian Art vs. Jewish Art

Restoring the Jewish context of Biblical art has always been a vision of the TLV Bible Society. The Biblical art of the Tree of Life Version presents Israel's family diary using Jewish context, imagery and culture. By taking these beautiful pictures to schools, universities and congregations, we reframe the Jesus story through Jewish eyes. The TLV Bible Society commissioned the gifted artist, Michael Washer, to create over one hundred illustrations that grace several Bibles with the TLV translation.