Translation Team
for the Tree of Life Version
Dr. Jeffrey Seif
Project ManagerJeffrey L. Seif was born into a German-Jewish family on November 9th 1955. He was raised in a typical American Jewish household, save the fact that he was sent off to go to school in a Yeshiva—an Orthodox Jewish training school. Though raised with a “traditional” Jewish upbringing, Jeff eventually came to a saving faith in Jesus, subsequent to which he experienced a “call” into vocational ministry. Jeff went to school to prepare for the ministerial vocation, taking studies at the Moody Bible Institute, Trinity College, and then the theological Seminary at Southern Methodist University, where he took both a master’s degree and doctorate.
Seif is one of the Messianic Jewish movement's best-known personalities. He is best known to the general public through his high visibility work with the nationally-syndicated TV concern called Zola Levitt Presents, where he sat at the teaching helm and shot programs in Israel which, in turn, were broadcast in the States through a variety of major networks. Dr. Seif has held the title “University Distinguished Professor of Bible and Jewish Studies” at Kings University-Houston, and also taught in the university's Dallas and LA campuses. In addition, Professor Seif served as a Bible professor at Christ for the Nations Institute, a position he held for 26 years. Professor Seif was the principal supervisor and project manager for the TANAKH of Tree of Life Version of the Bible, a joint-venture translation project, constituted by 70 Messianic Jewish scholars and friends. Dr. Seif is the author of many books and has done over 100 programs in/from the Middle East.

Dr. Jeffrey Adler
Text ManagerRabbi Adler comes from a family with five generations of Messianic Jews. A native of Cincinnati, he has a Master of Divinity degree and has led Messianic synagogues in Cincinnati and Indianapolis since 1978. He is currently Rabbi of Congregation Sha’arey Yeshua in Indianapolis.
Rabbi Adler has held offices in the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America and the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. He has spoken and taught at congregations all across America, as well as in England. Additionally, he has spoken and taught the Word of God at many Messianic Jewish conferences, both regional and national, and on several occasions has taught Yeshiva courses for the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues.

Rabbi Glenn Blank
Literary EditorRabbi Glenn David Blank has served as the congregational leader of Beit Simcha since it began in 1992. He also serves as conference chair and member of the Tikkun America Apostolic Team and as Literary Editor for the Tree of Life Version (TLV).
His ordination as Messianic Rabbi is from the International Association of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues. Dr. Blank received his Ph.D. in Cognitive Science and M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, his M. A. degree in English from the University of Michigan, and his B.A. degree in English from Penn State University. After 27 years, he retired as a Professor Emeritus from Lehigh University in 2011 in order to pursue full time ministry. Glenn has been married to Pamela since 1982 and they have two children and one grandchild, all of whom are actively involved in Beit Simcha.

Dr. Michael Brown
Language ExpertMichael L. Brown is the founder and president of FIRE School of Ministry in Concord, North Carolina, Director of the Coalition of Conscience, and host of the daily, nationally, syndicated talk radio show, the Line of Fire, as well as the host of the apologetics TV show, “Answering Your Toughest Questions,” which airs on the NRB TV network. He became a believer in Jesus in 1971 as a sixteen year-old, heroin-shooting, LSD-using Jewish rock drummer. Since then, he has preached throughout America and around the world, bringing a message of repentance, revival, reformation, and cultural revolution.
He holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures from New York University and has served as a visiting or adjunct professor at Southern Evangelical Seminary, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (Charlotte), Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Fuller Theological Seminary, Denver Theological Seminary, the King’s Seminary, and Regent University School of Divinity, and he has contributed numerous articles to scholarly publications, including the Oxford Dictionary of Jewish Religion and the Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament.

Dr. Hélène Dallaire
Language ExpertHélène Dallaire is Professor of Old Testament at Denver Seminaryand is ordained with the Evangelical Church Alliance. Dr. Dallaire earned a PhD and an MPhil in Hebrew and cognate studies fromHebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion, an MA in biblical literature from Oral Roberts University, and a BA in psychology from Ottawa University. She completed additional work at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Institute for Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem, McMaster University in Ontario, andWestern Pentecostal Bible College in British Columbia. Dr. Dallaire served five years on the faculty of Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion in the position of Director of Hebrew Language Instruction, one year on the faculty of Alliance Biblical Seminary in the Philippines, and completed 10 years of pastoral ministry in Canada.
Dr. Dallaire has presented academic papers on Biblical Literature, Hebrew and Northwest Semitic languages, Hebrew Pedagogy, and Messianic Judaism at academic conferences. She wrote TheSyntax of Volitives in Biblical Hebrew and Amarna Canaanite Prose(Eisenbrauns, 2014), the commentaries on "Joshua" in the Expositor's Bible Commentary (Zondervan) and "Esther" in The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary (Baker), and contributed chapters in several books.

Dr. Jeffrey Feinberg
Text ManagerJeffrey Feinberg is Text Manager of the TLV New Covenant. He played a vital role in the early stages of project development, building team consensus and contributing in matters of content, style, translation, and theology for both the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures.
Jeff has served Chicago-area Messianic congregations for forty years, leading Congregation Etz Chaim since 1993. He is Director of FLAME, the Foundation for Leadership and Messianic Education, where he and his wife, Pat, develop curriculum materials for all age groups, including the five Walk! devotional commentaries that integrate weekly readings from the Torah, Prophets, and New Covenant.
Jeff also teaches Messianic Studies at Denver Seminary and theNYC Feinberg Center of Biola's Talbot School of Theology. In Dallas, he is teaching Jewish Studies and training future linguists and Bible translators at the College of International Studies and at the Abraham Center of the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics.
Jeffrey Feinberg is a graduate of UC Berkeley, AB Economics; University of Chicago, MBA Behavioral Decision Sciences and AM Policy; Stanford Graduate School of Business, postgraduate fellowship Organizational Behavior and Trinity International University, MDiv and PhD Theological Education.

Patricia Feinberg
Text ManagerPat Feinberg played a key role throughout the early stages of the Tree of Life Messianic Family Bible Project, contributing to the style, formatting, and editing of all components for the Greek Scriptures, glossary, and liturgy pages. She and her husband, Dr. Jeffrey E. Feinberg, are the Text Managers for the TLV New Covenant. They also translated several books and helped establish translation procedures for both the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures.
Throughout their marriage, Pat has served alongside Jeff in Chicago-area Messianic congregations, at Congregation Etz Chaim since 1993. In addition, the Feinbergs develop materials for teaching all age groups through the FLAME Foundation. Jeff and Pat gratefully acknowledge the support of their family and congregation throughout the field testing of the Walk devotional commentaries, Hebrew workbooks, and the Tree of Life Bible.
Pat Feinberg is a graduate of Stanford University, AB Psychology with Distinction and AM Bilingual/Bicultural Education; and the University of Chicago, MST Elementary Education.

Dr. Ray Gannon
TheologianRay Gannon has been on the front lines of Jewish evangelism, Messianic congregation formation, and higher education for 43 years. He has pioneered Jewish ministries from California to New York, founded the Israel College of the Bible in Jerusalem, Israel and currently leads the Messianic Jewish Studies program at The King’s University in Los Angeles. He functions too as the National Jewish Field Representative for Jewish Ministries in the U.S.Assemblies of God.
Dr. Gannon has more recently been tapped to be the Vice-President for Academic Affairs for the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute. His duties include fully revitalizing the Messianic Jewish Studies curricula for the multiplied international campuses in the Ukraine, Ethiopia, Israel, Argentina, Mexico, etc. These Bible schools are designed to prepare Jewish believers around the world to impact their own nation’s Jewish communities with the Gospel in ways indigenous to their societies. Gannon’s 43 years of full-time Jewish ministry as evangelist, disciple-maker, congregational planter and founding pastor of three Messianic congregations, Bible college founder in Jerusalem, and academic dean of Messianic Jewish Studies programs have prepared him well for his ongoing Jewish ministry efforts.
He retains degrees in the following:
Ph.D., History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Th.M., Princeton Theological Seminary;
M.A., M.Div. Assemblies of God Theological Seminary;
Ph.D., in Hebrew Bible, California Graduate School of Theology.

Dr. Vered Hillel
Text ManagerVered Hillel is a Prof. of Second Temple Period Judaism and Early Christianity. She currently serves as the Provost of Messianic Jewish Theological Institute. She teaches as adjunct faculty in various Bible Colleges and Universities. She helped found Israel College of the Bible, Netanya, Israel, where she also served as Associate Academic Dean and Instructor. She holds a PhD and MA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel in Pseudepigrapha; a MA in Messianic Jewish Theology from MJTI; a MA in New Testament and the Backgrounds to Early Christianity from the University of the Holy Land, Jerusalem, Israel; and a BA in Bible and Theology from ICI University, Irving, Texas.
Her areas of interest are Messianic Jewish Theology, Second Temple Period Literature including New Testament, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, as well as the Backgrounds to Early Christianity and Jewish/Christian Relations.

Rabbi Elliot Klayman
TheologianElliot Klayman serves as the Executive Director of Messianic Jewish Theological Institute. He was a past president of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, and currently edits Kesher, a theological journal, and The Messianic Outreach. A lawyer by profession, he is also an ordained rabbi, who has taught law at the university level, and now teaches Jewish history courses. He has authored numerous articles in various journals. He sat on the theology committee of the TLV.
Professor Klayman holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Cincinnati, an LL.M. from Harvard Law School, a Masters in History from The Ohio State University and a Graduate Degree in Messianic Jewish Studies from Messianic Jewish Theological Institute.

Rabbi Barney Kasdan
TheologianBarney Kasdan is Rabbi of Kehilat Ariel Messianic Synagogue, a thriving Messianic Synagogue located in San Diego, CA. He holds degrees from Biola University (BA History) and Talbot School of Theology (M.Div.). He also completed one year of graduate studies at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles. Rabbi Kasdan is ordained through the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC) and has served on multiple committees including as its President (1998-2002).
He has written numerous articles regarding Messianic Judaism and is the author of the popular books God’s Appointed Times, God’s Appointed Customs, and Matthew Presents Yeshua, King Messiah (all by Messianic Jewish Publications). Among his various duties, he serves as a chaplain for the San Diego Police Department.

Dr. Craig Keener
TheologianCraig S. Keener (PhD, Duke University) is F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is author of seventeen books, four of which have won major awards, more than seventy academic articles, several booklets, and more than one hundred fifty popular-level articles. One of his books, The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament, now in a second edition, has sold more than half a million copies. His books include commentaries on Matthew, Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Revelation, a two-volume on John and a four-volume commentary on Acts, plus a two-volume work on miracles, works about the Spirit, ethnic reconciliation, women in ministry, divorce and various other topics. (These include works published by Baker Academic, Cambridge, Eerdmans, InterVarsity and Zondervan.) Craig is the New Testament editor for a forthcoming NIV study Bible focused on Bible background.

Rabbi Eric Tokajer
TheologianRabbi Eric Tokajer is the Rabbi at Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue in Pensacola, Florida after having helped to start five Messianic synagogues along the Gulf Coast. He also is the Publisher and Executive Director of the Messianic Times Newspaper. In addition to these two roles, he also serves as the Theology Team Facilitator for the Tree of Life Version. He is a sought after speaker for both national and international conferences and events. He has had two books published "'Oy How did I get here' 31 things I wish someone told me before entering The ministry" and and "Transient Singularity".

Dr. Rich Robinson
TheologianRich Robinson serves as Senior Researcher at Jews for Jesus in San Francisco. He came to faith in Jesus in 1973 as a student at Syracuse University in New York. He has served with Jews for Jesus since 1978.
Rich is the author of The Messianic Movement: A Field Guide for Evangelical Christians (2005) and Christ in the Sabbath (2014). He edited God, Torah, Messiah: The Messianic Jewish Theology of Dr. Louis Goldberg (2009) and co-authored Christ in the Feast of Pentecost (2008) with David Brickner. He has contributed chapters to various scholarly books, conference papers (Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism–North America, Evangelical Theological Society), and is a frequent contributor to the journal Mishkan. Rich also edits Havurah, a publication for Jewish believers in Jesus, has taught summer terms as adjunct faculty at Fuller Theological Seminary and Western Seminary, and has been part of the training team for new Jews for Jesus staff.

Mark Anthony
Translation ContributorMark Anthony currently serves with ONE FOR ISRAEL as the Benefit Dinner Director. He has previously served on ministry staff at Gateway Church in the Equipping department and as an adjunct professor at the King’s University teaching Biblical Hebrew. Mark was born and raised in Jerusalem, Israel before moving to Texas to attend Baylor University where he received his B.A. and M.Div. degrees as well as his ordination to ministry and license to preach.
In his career, Mark has published 90+ articles in newspapers, journals and magazines. You can follow his most recent writings at

Dr. Jack Cairns Jr.
Translation ContributorDr. Jack Cairns served as the coordinator of the Tree of Life Version (TLV) Old Testament footnotes review committee working with three other doctoral graduates of the King's University who received their degrees in Messianic Jewish Leadership.
Currently, Dr. Carins serves as the Presbyter for the West Central North Section of the New Jersey District Council of the Assemblies of God and as Senior Pastor at Capital Assembly of God in New Jersey. In addition, he is the Principal and Teacher of two campuses for the New Jersey District School of Ministry.
He retains degrees in the following:
D.Min. The King's University
M.A. Biblical Languages OT, The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary

Dr. John Fischer
Translation ContributorDr. Fischer has six earned college and university degrees, two of them doctorates (a Ph.D. and a Th.D.). He serves as: Rabbi of Congregation Ohr Chadash, Executive Director of Menorah Ministries, Vice President for Academics at St. Petersburg Seminary and Yeshiva, Rosh Yeshiva at Netzer David International Yeshiva, member of the Executive Committee of theMessianic Jewish Rabbinic Council, and President of theInternational Messianic Jewish Alliance. Additionally, he was one of the founders of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations and served for a number of years as its Vice President.
Dr. Fischer has spoken and taught repeatedly throughout the United States and around the world. He has lectured in Israel, Russia, France, Germany, Hungary, the Ukraine, the Philippines, Canada, and South Africa.
He is the author of numerous articles and several books including: L’Chaim, The Olive Tree Connection, The Meaning and Importance of the Jewish Holidays, The Enduring Paradox, Siddur for Messianic Jews, Messianic Services for the Festivals and Holy Days, and The Distortion.

Dr. Patrice Fischer
Translation ContributorPatrice is professor of Hebrew and Hebrew Literature at St. Petersburg Theological Seminary & Yeshiva in Clearwater, FL, a post which she has held since the 1980's.
She has devoted most of her academic career to formally studying Hebrew and the Tanakh (Old Testament) in order to teach adults the roots of our Messianic faith.
She also serves as Associate Rabbi of Congregation Ohr Chadashin Clearwater, FL, which was founded in 1982. Along with her husband John, she was among those present at the founding of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations in 1980.
Her greatest joy (in teaching) comes when she teaches the 'Hebrew Blast Off' which is a 2-day long program she designed to introduce new adult Hebrew learners to the Hebrew Alefbet in 2 days, and which she has taught in dozens of cities in the U.S.
Born and raised near Rochester, NY, Patrice received her B.S. from Northwestern University (Evanston, IL), and her masters degrees from Trinity Seminary (Deerfield, IL), and University of South Florida, Tampa. Her doctoral work was accomplished at both the University of South Florida and at St. Petersburg Theological Seminary & Yeshiva. She has taken coursework in both Modern Hebrew (Hebrew Univ.) and Biblical Geography in Israel.

Dr. Ihab Griess
Translation ContributorGriess serves as an adjunct professor in American and Middle Eastern seminaries and universities.
Griess holds a Ph.D. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY, in Old Testament Theology & Semitic Languages, and MA in Biblical Interpretation from Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.
Griess authored & co-authored six books (English & Arabic), teaches Old Testament Theology, eschatology, Biblical Hebrew, and other Biblical courses.

Dr. Wayne Wilks
Translation ContributorWayne Wilks Jr., is the President of the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute (MJBI), and Pastor of Jewish Ministry at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas.
He holds a Ph.D. from the University of North Texas (College Teaching), an M.A. from Oklahoma State University (Speech Communication), and a B.A. from Abilene Christian University(Biblical Studies). He has also done graduate work at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Preaching) and The University of the Holy Land in Jerusalem (Biblical Geography).

Dr. Stanley Horton (1916 - 2014)
Translation ContributorDr. Stanley M. Horton - renowned scholar, prolific writer and worldwide lecturer, is recognized as Pentecostalism’s “premier theologian.” As a child of the Azusa Street Revival and Mission, Horton served, in the words of General Superintendent George O. Wood, as a “bridge linking the Azusa revival to the present day.”
Horton received his educational training at Los Angeles City College (A.A., 1935); University of California-Berkeley (B.S., 1937); Gordon College (now Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) (M.Div., 1944); Harvard University (S.T.M.,1945); and Central Baptist Theological Seminary (Th.D., 1959). Additional studies were completed at the Biblical Seminary of New York (now New York Theological Seminary).
As a Harvard graduate in 1945, Horton first taught at Metropolitan Bible Institute until 1948 before coming to Springfield, Missouri where he served as chair of the Bible Department at Central Bible College from 1948-1978. In addition to authoring dozens of books and over 250 articles and reviews, Horton wrote the Assemblies of God Adult Teacher Sunday school curriculum for over 25 years. Since 1991 he has been Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Bible and Theology at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, where he taught from 1978-1991. Even into his 90s, he continued to serve the church.

Dr. Dan Juster
Translation ContributorDr. Daniel Juster received his B.A. from Wheaton College, his M. Div. from McCormick Theological Seminary; did two years in the Philosophy of Religion program of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and received his Th.D. .from New Covenant International Seminary. Dr. Juster has been involved in the Messianic Jewish movement since 1972. He was the founding president and general secretary of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations for nine years, the senior leader of Beth Messiah Congregation, Rockville, MD for 22 years, and presently is a member of the apostolic team that governs Tikkun International Ministries. Tikkun International is an umbrella organization that brings together congregational networks and ministries who share a common commitment; namely the restoration of Israel and the Church. Dr. Juster is also the Director of Tikkun America, and as such, he provides oversight to some 20 congregations and ministries in the USA. He presently ministers personally under the name of Restoration from Zion, a Tikkun International ministry.
Dr. Juster has authored several books, including Jewish Roots: a Foundation of Biblical Theology, The Dynamics of Spiritual Deception, Jewishness and Jesus, The Biblical World View: An Apologetic, Relational Leadership, The Irrevocable Calling, One People, Many Tribes, and Mutual Blessing. He has been involved as a featured speaker at many conferences, both nationally and internationally.

Philip Lanning
Translation ContributorPhilip Lanning is the Academic Dean at Christ For the Nations Institute. He is a graduate of CFNI and has also completed theological studies at Montana Wilderness School of the Bible and University of the Nations. He served with YWAM, and has been involved in Messianic Ministry for approximately the last twenty years. Philip has also had a successful career as a public school teacher and principal.
He holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Dallas Baptist University, a Master’s Degree from Lamar University, and is completing graduate work in Messianic Jewish Studies.

Dr. Barri Cae Seif
Translation ContributorBarri Seif is an instructor, author, and theologian. Her experience has led her through opportunities in corporate sales, Sunday school education, travel, Bible college instruction, authoring, conference speaking and twice annual trips to Israel as President of a humanitarian organization.
In addition, Dr. Seif maintains her status as faculty at several universities, teaching the Graduate level Business classes and undergraduate Bible and Business classes. She also serves as a content chair for several doctoral students.
Barri holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Trinity Theological Seminary. Her focus was the Exegetical study of Romans 10:4. She earned an MBA from Amberton University with concentration in General Management. She earned a BA in Psychology atStephens College.
Her published works include three devotionals:
Intimate Moments with the Hebrew Names of God, Bridge-Logos Publishers, 1999.
The Name – HaShem Daily Devotional Worship, CreateSpace Publishers, 2010.
There’s Just Something about That Name, Bridge-Logos Publishers, 2011.

Dr. Shawn Moir
Translation ContributorDr. Moir serves as the director of worship and education atBaruch HaShem Messianic Synagogue in Dallas, Texas. He earned a Doctor of Ministry in Messianic Jewish Studies from King's University as well as a Master's of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary and a Bachelor's degree in Aviation Administration from Farmingdale State University in New York. Shawn has also done graduate work at Jerusalem University College and doctoral work at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. Moir has ministered as a congregational planter, hospice chaplain, worship leader and youth pastor.

Dr. Richard Nichol
Translation ContributorRabbi Dr. Richard C. Nichol has served since 1981 as the Rabbi of Congregation Ruach Israel in Needham, MA. He is the Director of the Rabbinical Ordination Institute of the Messianic Jewish Theological Institute (MJTI) in Los Angeles, California. He is past President of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations and former Vice President of the International Messianic Jewish Alliance (IMJA). He currently serves as President of the Messianic Jewish Rabbinical Council (MJRC).
Rabbi Nichol received a BA in Music from Ithaca College, a Masters of Divinity from the Biblical Theological Seminary, a doctorate in Homiletics from the Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and a Masters of Jewish Studies Degree from Hebrew College in Newton, Massachusetts.

Dr. Seth Postell
Translation ContributorDr. Seth Postell is the academic dean of Israel College of the Bible in Netanya, Israel. He has a PhD in Hebrew Bible. He has authored a number of academic and popular books and articles, including Adam as Israel, Reading Moses-Seeing Jesus. He is also a former assistant professor of Old Testament at the Charles L. Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies (in partnership with Talbot School of Theology).

Dr. Jim Sibley
Translation ContributorDr. Jim R. Sibley was raised in Dallas, Texas, and he is a graduate of Baylor University (B.A.), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., Ph.D.), and Dallas Theological Seminary (S.T.M.).
Sibley serves on the faculty of Israel College of the Bible. Previously, he directed the Pasche Institute of Jewish Studies at Criswell College, in Dallas, Texas. In that capacity, he not only taught courses in Jewish Studies, but also edited and published Mishkan, an international journal related to Israel and the gospel. He has served as Coordinator of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism’s North America chapter and as National Coordinator of Jewish Ministry for the North American Mission Board (SBC).
Prior to this assignment, Jim and his wife, Kathy, served as Baptist representatives in Israel, for almost 14 years. He has taught courses related to Judaism and Jewish Evangelism as a guest professor at Southern Baptist seminaries and Bible colleges across North America. He has written articles about Jewish ministry that have been published in Israel, England, and in the United States.

John Taylor
Translation ContributorJohn Talyor started his collage career at Brown University studying physics and engineering during the Vietnam War. After being drafted out of graduate school and fulfilling his service, Taylor entered Dallas Theological Seminary where he took every course in Greek and Hebrew offered. He later was referred by John Beekman, then director of SIL, about joining the Wycliffe Bible Translators, and suggested pursuing a doctorate in linguistics and to work as technical advisor. That recommendation led Taylor to the University of Toronto, where he completed a second masters degree and started a doctoral program. Unable to finish his doctoral studies due to available finances, Taylor returned to engineering, and worked in that capacity from 1980 to 2011 while continuing to maintain his skills in Greek and Hebrew. In 2012, He was brought on to the TLV translation team by Dr. Jeffrey Seif and has thoroughly enjoyed contributing to its completion.
Taylor retains degrees in the following:
B.S., Engineering Physics, University of Maine
Th.M., Old Testament Theology, Dallas Theological Seminary
M.A., Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Toronto

Myles Weiss
Translation ContributorMyles Weiss serves as the congregational leader for two Messianic congregations: Beth Shalom: the House of Peace, and Beit Abba, which is part of The Father’s House, a thriving church of 5,000.
He and his wife Katharine co-hosted the internationally broadcast television program Zola Levitt Presents, seen on Daystar, Total Living Network and ABC-Family.
Myles has a dual BA in Ministerial Studies/Biblical Counseling and MA from Azusa Pacific University in Marital and Family Therapy. He began his counseling ministry in 1989 has been a licensed therapist since 1992.
Early in his ministry, Myles was part of many missions outreaches in Africa, India and Russia. He currently hosts hundreds of pilgrims in Israel to facilitate their vital connection with the Hebrew roots of faith.

Randy Weiss
Translation ContributorRandy Weiss has been in ministry since 1973. Since 1994, he has served as founder and host of the CrossTalk International weekly TV program. Both the CrossTalk and Today with God TV series are broadcast in many nations in many languages.
Weiss is a graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute, Dallas Baptist University, and College of DuPage. He holds a Ph.D. fromGreenwich Univ., a D.Min. from Columbia Evangelical Seminary, a Master of Science in Jewish Studies from Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies, and he holds the title of Dean of Jewish Studies at Columbia Evangelical Seminary.
He has authored various Jewish oriented Christian books, composed numerous songs, produced many award-winning international television projects, and focuses much attention on Israel. He also founded Excellence in Christian Broadcasting (EICB-TV), a network of numerous Christian TV stations around the nation.
Dr. Weiss is former Chairman of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Television Committee and serves on the NRB Board of Directors. Randy is a founding member and also serves on the Board of Directors of the Advanced Television Broadcasting Alliance.