TLV Children's Bible
Project Status: Raising Funds
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Why a Children's Bible?
Our heart’s desire to create a Messianic translation for Jewish children miraculously gave birth to the TLV, an authorized translation of the Holy Scriptures by God’s design - with a proven vetting process, a diverse team of PhD scholars, and a unified community of Jewish and Christian global financial support and a mighty crescendo of prayer. By God’s hand alone, the TLV has become internationally accepted.
Now, we must finish our mandate and make it fully accessible for our children, and our children’s children, to enjoy for future generations. Please allow me to 'write the vision and make it plain.’
We need to create NEW Jewish Biblical art for two groups of TLV readers: Kindershul (5-7 years old) and Shabbat School (8-11 years old). Both need 101 new art pieces to match the current drawings inside the TLV Family Bible.
We also need 202 age appropriate STORYTELLING commentaries, one for each new art piece, to help children grow into mature TLV Bible readers someday. We believe that, by reading a story side-by-side with the authorized TLV Biblical text, we can improve Bible literacy for a new generation of Messiah’s followers. This is a ‘learn-as-you-grow’ model for children and parents, and teachers, alike! Just watch the art grow on our TLV Journey app!
We believe that as we teach ALL children to love the God of Israel – and by living out Messiah Yeshua’s command to love one another – our witness of His Light will testify of His Glorious Kingdom coming to earth.
For your gift of $350 or more you will receive our 10 year anniversary, Special edition Bible that includes the first four samples of TLV Children’s art on the following pages and with TLV Treasure-style devotionals to share with ‘the little ones’ in your life right now.
Please share our dream with all your friends and pray God helps us raise the funds needed to publish both editions in 2020! We want to get them into the hands of needy families searching for faith, hope, and love!
‘There is plenty of room in our Father’s House! Yeshua lives! Let’s welcome our Messiah home!’
Daniah Greenberg,
TLV Bible Society Founder
"Just wanted to let you know that we gave our grandsons the thinline TLV bible for Hanukkah this year. They have been carrying them around and when we lit the candles on the first night of Hanukkah, our 8 year old grandson wanted to read a blessing from the back of his new Bible. Imagine my surprise when he read the transliterated Hebrew then the English! He also had said earlier that he needed to read his bible more because there was a lot he doesn't understand! Thank you for your efforts-we are so blessed by this translation!"