About Us
Who? What? and Why?About the Tree of Life Version (TLV)
Rabbi Paul, in the Book of Romans, reminded the mixed crowd of new believers, Jew and Gentile alike, that the Jewish people were charged with the task of preserving the Holy Scriptures from their very first calling as a “people.”
In May 2008, this project started as the desire of one small group of Rabbis’ wives hoping to publish a Messianic Jewish Children’s Bible. Instead, God breathed on this spark and He revitalized our “people” in a move so powerful it reunited families, destroyed disunity between our organizations and gave our movement a fresh vision of what we could accomplish TOGETHER by taking our place “on the wall around Jerusalem” alongside the Christian Church in these last days.
Originally, our desire to use “Messiah Yeshua” instead of “Jesus Christ” and the Jewish book order instead of the Christian book order for the Old Testament seemed meager goals. Few of us had any idea how big the chasm between our worlds was. But, make no mistake, Christianity is based on Judaism. There is so much more that connects us than divides us, and this text is finally finished.
Since our inception: a hope for a children’s Bible became a dream for a family Bible, one translator multiplied into 32 scholars, a $5000 check gave seed to over a million dollars in donations, a single translation became a collaborative work, the Greek sentence structure was restored to Hebrew sentence structure, faith turned into a verb instead of a noun, salvation became Yeshua, and peace became shalom.
Only God could have orchestrated this marvelous work. We are humbled that God would again call His people Israel to care and preserve His Holy Scriptures for yet another generation. We are honored to carry on the work of our forefathers and trust fully in God’s eternal hope of salvation, Messiah Yeshua.
The goal of our 501(c)(3) organization is to translate, guard and preserve a brand new Messianic Jewish Biblical Text for generations. The heart of our ministry is to see families, large and small, re-gather around the Word of God as the cornerstone of their homes.
The hope of our team is to see Yeshua high and lifted up through the promotion of His Story, as told through Jewish eyes.
But beyond all of that, our mission reflects the Great Commission: to spread the Gospel as far and wide as possible. For us, this is acheivable in a new and exciting way - through the use of modern technology and the Internet. With God’s favor and blessing, the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society has worked diligently to make the Tree of Life Version available on many different digital platforms. We are immensely blessed to be a part of making the Word of God accessible on your desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone.
In 2015, we held our first Bible Conference in conjunction with The King’s University, our university partner, and the Jack W. Hayford Institute. A delightful success, the TLVBibleCon was the first time that all the team members of the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society gathered from across the globe. Stories of how the MJFBS was formed, person by person, were shared and then enjoyed by the hundreds that attended.
And, in the midst of all this, God is now leading us down a path of partnership with Baker Publishing Group to bring a printed edition of the TLV to new audiences world-wide.
The future of the Tree of Life Bible Society is full of exciting campaigns to bring the Word of God into places like prisons, college campuses, and the Land of Israel. Won’t you join us in this wonderful journey?
Consider becoming a ministry partner with the Tree of Life Bible Society today!
Our Staff

Rabbi Mark & Daniah Greenberg, Founders

Rabbi Jeffrey & Barri Seif,
TLV Theologians

Joseph & Brittni Greenberg, Marketing

Mandie Greenberg-Kelly,
Because God entrusted His Word to the Children of Israel, we forged the Tree of Life Version of the Bible as eyewitnesses of God’s love to every generation.
This translation reflects God’s Kingdom culture growing in our daily lives and proclaims Messiah Yeshua, our Salvation, to the world.
"We have been blessed so much as a family over the last 2 years in keeping Shabbat. Thank you for teaching and sharing with us. The presence of the Lord was with us in power this weekend when we had our first non-family guests over for Shabbat. It was so good to share the love of God with others and to introduce them to the TLV. We are still recovering from the blessing."
"I just wanted to say thank you! Your Organization's work on this translation was instrumental in my coming back to Christ."
"God is moving here on Earth and the TLV Bible Society is definitely a part of that.... It's exciting!"
"These people are the real deal, I love following hard after Yeshua/Jesus and digging into God’s word with them! Daniah is delightful, ask her to sing the Aaronic blessing. Love the TLV Bible, too, a great blessing!"
"No matter who presents it, this is a GREAT ministry! Thank you so much for providing this blessing every Shabbat. Shabbat shalom!"
"Its amazing! You guys at the Bible Society actually live through 'predictable' miracles. Not saying that you can tell the future or anything. But you know God and how He does things. You know how to see them and where to find them. This is what you do. And we want to live with you in it."
"This is a great organization, great people, and great Bible. I recommend them to anybody and everybody."
"The time I have spent getting to know these wonderful folks and their ministry (via Facebook and internet), exploring their resources, and especially using the TLV, the more blessed I am! Toda!"
- We believe in One God, the Creator; there is no other to compare to Him.
- We believe God commands us to love Him first and love one another also.
- We believe the Bible is divinely inspired and God is the prime protagonist of the Biblical narrative.
- We believe reading the Bible yourself is a critical part of having a personal relationship with God.
- We believe the Bible illustrates the blessings of our good choices, as well as the consequences of our bad choices.
- We believe God’s words weigh more than the words of man, promoting self-control and shalom.
- We believe the Bible establishes the structure of the family unit, for the well-being of His Creation.
- We believe the Bible heals relationships and restores broken family trees, knowing that intergenerational faith transfer is the key to ‘peace on earth.’
- We believe that a healthy family relationship with God enables and allows us to have powerful individual and corporate relationships with God. We believe healthy families build heathy faith communities.
- We believe the biblical narrative is a covenant which begins with mankind, male and female, then saves a family, then expands to a tribe, then is carried by a nation, and then offered as a personal gift to any who believe in order to restore the whole world.
- We believe the whole Bible is an art scroll of the journey of God’s people and that it should be read for understanding the fullness of the story - not only studied, but learned through practice.
- We believe in maintaining the timing, context, and cultural significance of the revelations unfolded throughout Scripture as time progresses forward. We believe that when, how, and to whom something is revealed is a critical part of the revelation itself.