Translation Principle 14 brings us to a decision that our Theology Team felt strongly about: Restoring the Jewish Order to the Books of the Old Testament. A decidedly Jewish work, we keep the book order employed in classical Jewish culture.
Mark’s 6 Proclamations Hidden in Plain Sight
At the very beginning of the book of Mark, we read of a number of miracles that Yeshua (Jesus) performed. One of those was the cleansing of the man with Tza-arat (the leper). The following verses tell of the event:
A Covenant Out of Despair
Genesis 15 begins with a despairing Avram. We often think of the Biblical heroes as being almost superhuman, certainly untainted by the same kinds of struggles faced by the rest of us. Instead, we find that these remarkable people were
Yes, One Word CAN Make a Difference
For more than seven years, I was a part of the translation team for the Tree of Life Version Bible. In my role as the Theology Team Facilitator (a big name that translates to cat herder), I came to truly
How did we get the New Testament of Today?
Paul said “All Scripture is inspired by God” (2 Tim. 3:16). He wasn’t referring to the New Testament, of course; for, it hadn’t been written yet, never mind assembled. The “Scripture” noted above was the Old Testament–an “inspired” collection often
Translation Principle 13: Restoring the Jewish Culture of Yeshua’s Life
Continuing with our principles of translation for the Tree of Life Version, we come to principle 13: Restoring the Jewish culture of Yeshua’s day through art and biblical holiday observances. Yeshua (Jesus) was an artist. Did you know that? Well,