According to the Bible, the Book of Leviticus summarizes the seven Biblical Holy Days in Chapter 23. These are appointments with God that Messiah Yeshua observed during His ministry and Jewish people still celebrate today. The Seedtime, or Spring, Feasts
Welcoming Prodigals Home
Passover is God’s open invitation for all His sons and daughters to come home for the Holy Day. Passover isn’t just a day of remembrance, Passover is a feast of ADONAI, the first and most important date Festival on the
Trusting God to be your Provider, your Warrior, your Leader, and your Hope
This is – quite literally – the season from passing over to crossing over. What is the difference between passing over and crossing over? Passing over is celebrating the anticipation, while still waiting to be liberated. Crossing over is the
10 Ways to Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Did you know that the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover are not necessarily the same thing? Pesach – or Passover – is actually an opening event to the week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread. And during this celebration of our
A New Month Begins: What Does Rest Look Like?
This Wednesday evening is Rosh Chodashim – the Head of the Months. Also known as the Biblical New Year. Because the Bible follows the Lunar calendar, the first of every new month begins with the New Moon. Do you know
Why The Biblical New Year Starts This Week – Rosh Chodashim
*Article updated March 25th to reflect 2020 dates The Biblical New Year starts this Wednesday evening with the first NEW MOON. The new moon – when the moon is HIDDEN and the stars shine ever more brightly – is the