King David opens the 16th Psalm with a fervent plea: “Shomreni El ki-chasiti v’ka”; “Keep me safe, O God, for in You I have found shelter.” Here, David uses the imperative mood of “shamar”, a verb typically used in the
Turning Around The Birthday Blues
The other day I woke up feeling overwhelmed by the pain of hurtful and unjust situations and relationships for which I have asked for healing and restoration, but have not yet seen their fulfillment. The worst thing is that it
Psalm 110: Anticipating our King Messiah
Psalm 110 is a profound statement anticipatory of the unique stature of the Messiah. David begins: “ADONAI (the Tetragammata representing the ineffable Divine Name) said to ADONAI (my Lord), ‘shev yimini ad ashit oy’veneyka hadom l’ragleyka.’” “ADONAI said to my