Hebrew Names of God #9: ADONAI Tzidkeinu

Vered HillelEseries Leave a Comment

The name “ADONAI Tzidkeinu—ADONAI is our Righteousness” is familiar to many from the song “Sh’ma” by Lamb. The song opens with the words “Sh’ma Yisrael, Sh’ma Yisrael, ADONAI Eloheinu (2x); ADONAI Echad, ADONAI Tzidkeinu, ADONAI yeshuateinu (2X)”—Hear Israel, ADONAI is


Hebrew Names of God #5: ADONAI Yireh

Vered HillelEseries 1 Comment

Over the next couple of blogs, we will be looking at compound names of YHWH, ADONAI, most of which derive from specific historical situations and reveal a certain aspect of His character. Quite often in the Patriarchal narratives, the site